
Proietti eletta presidente dell’Umbria, il Pd è il primo partito – Ultima ora

A scrutinio completato, Stefania Proietti (centrosinistra e civici) è ufficialmente la nuova presidente della Regione Umbria. Secondo i dati del Viminale, ha ottenuto il 51,13 per cento dei voti. (ANSA)

Hong Kong jails 45 pro-democracy activists after accusing them of trying to overthrow the city’s government

The defendants were accused of conspiracy to commit subversion after holding an unofficial primary election in Hong Kong in 2020 – a year after up to two million people took to the streets in opposition to a proposed extradition bill.

Delhi Air Remains Toxic, Dense Smog Lowers Visibility, Trains Delayed

A thick blanket of smog continued to grip Delhi and its adjoining areas on Tuesday morning, as the air quality nearly touched the 500 mark.

Polveri sottili, valori troppo alti. Scattano le misure antismog

Oggi e domani i diesel euro 5 restano in garage, in attesa di nuovi dati da Arpae